We remember the feeling of excitement running through our veins while we were on our way to the barn! At Free Spirit Equestrian we try and make your experience here safe, exciting, and of course knowledgeable! Riding lessons are so much more than just getting on the back of the horse. We believe in teaching from the ground up and learning to respect, bond, and care for the equine. Our program is geared towards creating future horsemen & horsewomen. We attract true horse lovers, and individuals who have the horse's best interest in mind. Our lessons are 60-90 minutes long, and consist of grooming, tacking up, discussing the anatomy, behavior, riding, and discussing other interesting facts regarding the horse. We run a multi-discipline program with an emphasis on working with the horse, along with understanding the basic principles of good horsemanship and riding. Disciplines include: Western, English, Jumping, Groundwork, Trail Riding, & Endurance. We focus on arena work but also focus on getting out of the ring to experience new things. We have an adult program and also a youth program as well. We attend local shows, events, trail rides, and camping trips throughout the year. Sign up for your evaluation lesson today!
Free Spirit Equestrian-
All-Encompassing Horsemanship Academy
Working with horses in any effective manner requires 3 key elements: Time, Trust, and Patience! Without these you cannot truly connect and gain an understanding with the horse. Good horsemanship and skill building for both horse and rider also requires focus, function, and dedication. Breaking down steps with each training topic and putting this into practice is what truly teaches students the art of horsemanship regardless if we are on the ground or in the saddle. Each discipline and maneuver takes time and practice to build upon for both horse and human.
Free Spirit Equestrian’s-All-Encompassing Horsemanship Academy sets students up for success and teaches them tools to carry all throughout their lifelong horsemanship journey and fully encompasses the joy and passion they seek when working with horses.
This program involves small, group lessons, 1-3x per week (4-8 lessons per month) where we go in depth on a specific topic and exercise. At the Top Level (see below) we offer you 1x additional ride that week where you can practice these exercises independently. This structure truly allows the teaching, learning, absorption, and practice to take place and stick! Any skill takes times and HOURS to learn plus anything you want to master requires practice after the learning takes place! I believe this is a true requirement of anyone who seeks to expand and grow with their equestrianism.
FSF offers a unique opportunity to ride and show off-site! We trailer out for the following events: trail riding, endurance, schooling, camping, and local shows. This gives students a well rounded education, and give them experiences and memories that last a lifetime. This is a unique aspect to our program as many other barns do not offer such versatility.
At Free Spirit Farm, we have a fantastic program for adult riders. Not only do the adults experience all elements of our academy but we also have adult only horse camping trips, trail rides, lessons, and more!
We also cater to pre-teens and teenagers. Horsemanship is not only an important aspect of riding, but horses also teach life skills such as hard work, dedication, consistency, and passion! We include all of these components within our program.
Our academy will truly dive into the specifics of each topic and give you a well-rounded approach to your riding and horsemanship. This also teaches you how to train the horse (remember we are ALWAYS training or un-training horses) regardless of our skill level. If you ride or handle horses, you must learn how to train. This program is designed to zero in on those who are serious about their lifelong equine journey. I want to give you a very strong set of skills and give you clarity.
This academy also includes a welcome packet, take home exercises to stay strong, and guides to help with studying! It’s going to be very exciting and informational. I’m honestly stoked. Please reach out in order to sign up. All of the same policies we currently have still apply, however, we will be offering several make up days all throughout the season, so you don’t miss anything. The schedule is to be determined around everyone’s availability and the additional day is very flexible.
Evaluation Lesson: $150- Required for NEW STUDENTS
ULTIMATE HORSE LOVER PACKAGE: MOST RECOMMENDED $2,500-36x Lessons with EXCLUSIVE TOPICS (3rd Lesson is HIGHLY DISCOUNTED) SAVINGS: $200 Dollars-36 LESSONS TOTAL (MOST VALUABLE!) This truly dives into each topic and gives you the opportunity to advance your training and level. This option is for the SERIOUS Equestrians. Each student will receive 3x lessons, This is for riders who want to eventually lease, own, or train horses but are not quite ready for the next step.
Dedicated Horse Lover: IMMERSIVE LEVEL $1800-24x Lessons-You get all of the in-depth topic information listed above, lessons, and exercises! Truly gives you an immersive experience and allows the student to fully dive into the program.
Loyal Horse Lover: INTRO LEVEL $900-12x Lessons this package will give you a basic understanding of each topic and the overall curriculum.
$600- 4x 60min Private Lessons with an Instructor working on individual horsemanship needs.
$400 Individual Session-Book a specialized session with Shae. Due to extremely high demand and limited time, Shae's sessions are priced accordingly to give you the expertise and specific plan in the areas you're seeking out knowledge. These sessions are catered to your specific needs and are one on one sessions with Shae.
$150 Individual Session-These sessions are catered to your specific needs and are one on one sessions with a private FSE Instructor.
Payment can be sent via PayPal, Venmo, cash, or check:
PayPal: @freespiritequestrian
Venmo: @Shae-Shae-1